Our Products
Our business is primarily short tail, low frequency/high severity excess of loss reinsurance
We focus on lines of business where we have expertise in order to specialise and be major market players. We can commit line sizes of up to $200m. With almost 20 years of experience, we have demonstrated expertise in our selected lines.
Property Catastrophe
Our core franchise line of business with established market position, strong relationships and recent material growth. Ariel Re primarily reinsures property risks in the U.S. as well as in select international geographies that provide the required level of accurate data and return on allocated capital.
Property treaty is predominantly catastrophe focused and is underwritten on a global basis by the U.S. and International underwriting teams.
Ariel Re provides superior service by being a quoting market for a variety of catastrophe excess of loss structures. We also provide a focused suite of retrocession solutions.

Coverage amounts
Average line size per cedent is approximately $15 million, but Ariel Re has the ability to deploy up to a maximum line size of $200m.
For retro, we look for detailed submissions and well-modelled portfolios without concentrations of complex risks. Our maximum retrocession line size is $25m.
Attachment point
Ariel Re has no attachment point preference. Our current portfolio includes low return period coverage and extremely remote excess of loss protection.
Geographic focus
We predominantly write in the U.S. and in select international geographies.
Property Underwriters

Joel Willens
Head of International Property
+1 441-535-7190 joel.willens@arielre.com
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Carolina Medeiros
Assistant Underwriter
+1 441-533-3465 carolina.medeiros@arielre.com
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Our Cyber book is comprised of market-leading Cyber Catastrophe excess of loss placements, and a highly diverse portfolio of capped quota share treaties.
The Ariel Re Cyber team is led by market leading talent in cyber security, underwriting and data analytics to capitalise on significant market dislocation. Our team has developed a new Cyber excess of loss product, Cybershock, to address specific exposures to systemic risk.

Coverage amounts
All products can be offered on a stand-alone basis or as part of a multi-line treaty with a maximum line size of $35 million per program.
Attachment point
Ariel Re has no attachment point preference. Our current portfolio includes low return period coverage and extremely remote excess of loss protection.
Geographic focus
We write on a worldwide basis.
Cyber Underwriters

Steve O’Flynn
Head of Non-Property Underwriting
+1 441-338-3010 stephen.o’flynn@arielre.com
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JayLynn Hines
Underwriter - Cyber Reinsurance
+1 441-599-7223 JayLynn.Hines@arielre.com
View on LinkedInMarine & Specialty
Ariel Re has longstanding relationships with large clients and intermediaries within Marine and Specialty. Our Marine book is focused on Non-Elemental Whole Account excess of loss exposures, while our Specialty book includes Multi-Class excess of loss, Aviation Retro, and Space quota share.
The portfolio predominantly comprises excess of loss and proportional arrangements. For London, business standard LMA forms are used, which have been constructed on the basis of the Joint Excess of Loss Committee (“JELC”) Excess Loss Clauses.

Coverage amounts
Ariel Re generally offers up to $35 million in capacity across its marine and specialty reinsurance classes.
Attachment points vary by cedent and line of business.
Attachment point
Ariel Re has no attachment point preference. Our current portfolio includes low return period coverage and extremely remote excess of loss protection.
Geographic focus
We write on a worldwide basis.
Marine & Specialty Underwriters

Steve O’Flynn
Head of Non-Property Underwriting
+1 441-338-3010 stephen.o’flynn@arielre.com
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Clean Energy
In 2023 Ariel Re relaunched our Clean Energy division as Ariel Green, recognizing the increasingly crucial role of Technology Performance Insurance in accelerating innovation in solar, energy storage, hydrogen, and bioenergy to help curb climate change.
Technology Performance Insurance policies protect against production shortfalls caused by technology failures, enabling manufacturers to issue long-term warranties and clean energy projects to secure funding, successfully start up, get built, and operate profitably.

Ariel Green
Ariel Green offers two types of long-term, non-cancellable insurance products: Warranty Backstop (on manufacturer and / or project level) and Production / Revenue Shortfall (on project or project portfolio level).
Our team of experts underwrites solar, battery storage, bioconversion and hydrogen performance risks, and leads the first ever Lloyd’s consortium focused on Net Zero.